
Miriam Mondlin, Aesthetic Realism Consultant
On this website you will find writing about art, economics, literature, unions, and the self, based on this principle of Aesthetic Realism, by founder Eli Siegel:

“All beauty is a making one of opposites, and the making one of opposites is what we are going after in ourselves.”

A big theme of this website is a matter that concerns many people in America and elsewhere in the world—self-expression and what interferes with it.

I am a consultant on the faculty of the Aesthetic Realism Foundation in New York City. I am proud that my article, “How My Stuttering Ended,” which was part of the public seminar titled “What Interferes with Your True Expression,” has been published on websites about stuttering, including the internationally valued resource: “The Stuttering Homepage” of Minnesota State University. It has been published in the San Antonio Register and other newspapers, sections of it have appeared in the international periodical The Right of Aesthetic Realism to Be Known.

Stuttering is an interference to expression that’s caused a great deal of pain. I learned the scientific cause of stuttering from Aesthetic Realism, founded by Eli Siegel, and my stuttering ended—many years ago. You’ll see more articles about what I have seen about stuttering here.

I had the honor to study in classes taught by the founder of Aesthetic Realism, Eli Siegel, in which he lectured on the poetry of the world, literature, science, art, music, economics and on the questions of the human self. My study continues in professional classes taught by Ellen Reiss, Aesthetic Realism Chair of Education.

About Stuttering:

  • Genes and Something Else,” & the article on “The King’s Speech” both featured in The Indian Stammering Association Quarterly Magazine.
  • The Answer for Our Schools by Arnold Perey, Ph.D, —Excerpt of an article published in The Right of Aesthetic Realism to Be Known, about a young man who stuttered and because of what he learned in Aesthetic Realism consultations—his stuttering diminished.
  • Self and World,” Eli Siegel’s definitive text, particularly Chapter 11 “Self and Disease,” where he discusses stuttering, the cause and the solution.

About the Economy, Unions, & What People Deserve:  Here you’ll find articles on a subject I am passionate about—economic justice.

About the Relation of Art & Life:

  • I Learned about Imagination,” An article about the chapter “Imagination, Reality, Aesthetics” from Eli Siegel’s Self and World as I studied the difference between good and bad imagination—with examples from my own life, Karl Menninger’s The Open Mind, and the art of Lewis Carroll.

Reports of Aesthetic Realism Classes taught by Eli Siegel:

  • The Rhythms: They Are There” Part 1  The lecture Eli Siegel gave July 22, 1970, was titled “The Rhythms: They are There,” which had in it a new approach to the subject of rhythm. Mr. Siegel explained he was going to be casual in his approach and present what rhythm is in as many ways as possible, using as his text a single issue of a 1920 journal, The Dial, a literary magazine concerned with the arts.
  • The Rhythms: They Are There” Part 2  In this section of the lecture, Mr. Siegel read and commented on a short story by the Irish writer, James Stephens, an essay about Shakespeare by the French author, Romain Rolland, and an art chronicle by Henry McBride, who discusses in particular the work of artist Charles Burchfield, whom Mr. Siegel described as “The Terror of Ohio.” He said that in Burchfield’s paintings there is an ethical drama of good and evil given true form.

  • Look, the World is Poetic!” Part 1 In a great class titled “Look, the World is Poetic!” given June 13, 1971, Mr. Siegel showed the world is poetic through how the opposites of stop and flow, stillness and moving, are in reality itself, and in poetry, including Chinese, American, Arabian, French, Sanskrit, and Persian. “I am beginning with the fact,” Mr. Siegel stated, “that there is poetry in the world and it shows itself in many ways and they each say something about the other…. The world is poetic in two ways: its structure is poetic, and there’s poetry in it.”